Oben Electric - Email and contact information

Oben Electric is an electric 2-wheeler manufacturing company with does completely in-house designing, R&D and manufacturing of its product.
Company email address
Decision maker info & email
Company LinkedIn
Oben Electric
Company website
Oben Electric
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Founded by
Dinkar Agrawal, Madhumita Agrawal
Last funding type
Last funding date
29 November 2022
Last funding amount
Total funding amount
Top investors
We Founder Circle, Gaurav Juneja, Shajikumar Devakar, Krishna Bhupal, Jerin K Santhosh
Automotive, Electric Vehicle, Manufacturing, Sustainability, Transportation

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Frequently asked questions

What is Oben Electric's email address?

Oben Electric's email address is contact@obenev.com.

Where are Oben Electric’s headquarters?

Oben Electric's headquarters are in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Who founded Oben Electric?

Where are Oben Electric’s headquarters?

What is Oben Electric's tech stack?

Oben Electric's tech stack is unknown.

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